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Training Frontline Workers

The first foundation course in ‘Therapeutic Play’ was delivered in Easter 2019 at Dhaka University by senior lecturer at Roehampton with Imran shadowing the training. Imran was trained as a Play Therapist at Roehampton University and trained to deliver ‘the foundation course in therapeutic play’.
The course was oversubscribed and well received with great feedback. We have run several workshops to font line workers all, significantly oversubscribed. Plans for further training sessions are on hold due to the issues caused by Covid-19


We hope to run at least two foundation training courses a year and sponsor those working with children to do the course. We hope to develop a ‘ Play Therapy and Child Counselling’ department at Dhaka University to make this a sustainable project. The more people we can get trained in play therapy and child counselling the more chance we have of identifying children with trauma and giving them the help, they so need. This is the only sustainable way of tackling the lack of child mental health provision in Bangladesh.

We can only achieve this with your support.

Your donations will allow us to continue training front line workers to support children with mental trauma.

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